What are Essential Oils?
Essential oils are the life force of a plant. Just as they help the plant grow and recover from illness, so too do they help our bodies heal and defend against illness. By definition, essential oils are the “aromatic, volatile liquid that is within many shrubs, flowers, trees, roots, bushes and seeds that is usually extracted through steam distillation.” Essential OIls Desk Reference
Essential oil use goes back thousands of years being sited in the Bible for healing purposes and recipes written in Egyptian texts. Their unique compounds can kill bacteria, viruses and fungi and heal bites, stings and all sorts of emotional and physical illnesses. Modern science is based on trying to replicate these but has not been completely able to do so.
The chemistry of essential oils is very complex and detailed extraction methods produce a very concentrated amount. Most oils on the market are adulterated in some way to extend the quantity or cut corners on the process so you must do your research! Young Living has been the pioneer in cultivating the plants and improving the distillation process, producing 100% therapeutic grade essential oils. These oils can be ingested, inhaled and applied topically. Research has shown that inhalation reaches the centers of our brain that control many emotional and body functions. Some oils are better applied topically if they are for example, relieving muscle pain. Others have the best effect ingested, such as to relieve digestive discomfort. Some oils are stimulating and some are calming. There is truly an oil for everything! Natures apothecary!